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Packera aurea - Golden Ragwort

Sun Exposure: Sun, Part Sun, Shade

Soil Moisture: Wet, Medium-Wet, Medium

Soil Type: Sand-Loam, Loam, Clay

Height: 1-2 feet

Spread: 2-3 feet

Blooms: May, June

Root: FibrousRhizomatous

Habitat: Deciduous woodlands, Woodland openings, Woodland borders, Moist sandy savannas, Sandy swamps, Banks of rivers and lakes, Moist meadows, Abandoned fields.

Landscape uses: Garden borders, Pollinator gardens

Complimentary Plants: Common Blue Violet, Butterflyweed, Wild Geranium, Little Bluestem

Wildlife Value: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract small bees such as little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), and various Halictid bees. Among the flies, are such visitors as Syrphid flies, Tachinid flies. Host plant: The Gem Moth

Seed Origin: Wasaga Beach, ON

Germination Code: C(60)

Packera aurea - Golden Ragwort

Comming Soon
  • Goldenrod Ragwort is a great early wildflower that blooms for 3 weeks in late spring. This Ragwort is more shade tolerant than other species and will spread out to form colonies if conditions are favourable. Another common name for Packera spp. is Groundsel.

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