Sun Exposure: Part Sun, Part Shade
Soil Moisture: Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry
Soil Type: Sand-Loam, Loam, Loam-Clay
Height: 1 - 2 feet
Spread: 1 foot
Blooms: August, September, October
Root: Fibrous, Rhizomatous
Habitat: Woodland edges, Beech-maple woodlands, Sandy oak woodlands, Sandy oak savannas. Big- Leaved Aster occupies high-quality natural areas that are more or less mesic (neither too dry nor too wet) and relatively little-disturbed by human activities.
Landscape uses: Shady garden, Woodland planting, Naturalization
Complimentary Plants: Zig zag goldenrod, Blue-stem Goldenrod, Tall Bellflower
Wildlife Value: A good late nectar and pollen source for insects including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, beetles, Birds such as Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey eat the seeds. Host Plant: Silvery Checkerspot, Pearl Crescent and many moth species.
Seed Origin: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
Germination Code: C(60)
Photo credits: #1/2/3 by Sundaura Alford-Purvis
Eurybia macrophyllus - Large Leaf Aster
Largeleaf Aster is perfect for shady areas with less than perfect soil. Drought tolerant, it thrives in both dry sand and heavy clay soils that have some organic matter. This woodland plant is often used in gardens for its large, heart-shaped basal foliage which forms a nice ground cover. Upright stems emerge from the base in late summer, bearing clusters of delicate, bluish-white rayed flowers, from August to September. Great for stabilizing shaded hillsides and slopes as the roots will spread to form small colonies of plants.