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Carrington Lauzon
eARTh Revival is a co-creative endeavour between myself and the natural world. We are aiming to bring awareness to the reciprocal relationships humans have with nature and provides a means to cultivate those relationships.
We are a small native plant nursery in South Georgian Bay, a creator of art using earth materials and a community member aspiring to bring land care and stewardship practices to our ever expanding group of conscious participants.

I think that gardens are a form of art and a form of reciprocity with the earth, a win for our shared landscapes! I started my little plant nursery in 2018 - selling seedlings off my porch. This year, with more space and sun I am growing over 55 different species of native plants - an exciting endeavour!
I am passionate about plants and wildlife, I loved working at a nursery when I was younger and envisioned working with plants in the future. Common nursery and horticulture practices didn't quite sit right with me so my career path veered in another direction. Fast-forward to 2017 when I started to learn about native plants, pollinators and ecological gardening practices - I fell in love. Im excited to be on this path now - absorbing all the information I can to help our local ecosystems here in South Georgian Bay. I have completed a Horticulture certificate and a Landscapes for Life certificate and am working with Native Plant Trust on their amazing courses on native plants.
I helped start a volunteer led initiative in 2020 - Pollinate Collingwood. We planted 15 gardens around town and provided educational material on native plants, pollinators and ecological gardening. I was accepted in the Eco-leadership program in the Fall of 2020 and completed the project - having distributed 575 seed packs to local residents and supplying our local Forest Schools with seeds, educational material and growing medium.
I have been in love and practicing many forms of Art for as long as I can remember and love to infuse life with all my artistic aspirations. Check out the Art section for some earth inspired paintings, pressed flower art and photography!

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